Saturday, May 26, 2012


I have had a fairly productive day. 
The sun being out, always puts everyone in a better mood.

I have started tidying my room, and by that I mean you can actully see my desk, now that is rare. I also have a big list of custom cards that I am slowly working my way through. By big list, I mean about 10 hehe. But its all progress and my head is a wash with ideas for differnt things. This summer, I think that i might have a go at setting up my own etsy shop. So watch this space.

Chest clinic went ok the other day, though I had a big coughing fit in the waiting room and all the chest patients turned and glared as if to say, stay away. Dont blame them, I would do the same. ha. But, the doctor also heard me coughing and asked about the treatment I have had for my cough. He wants to take me in and dose me up with some more IVs, to try and kick this cough's butt. My arms are still bruised from the last lot of IVs two weeks ago, but I have agreed to give them another try. I was meant to go in today, but they have no spare beds yet, so they are going to phone me when they do have them. Whilst I am in, he also wants to put me on some nebulised antibiotics as a possible long term solution to managing some of these infections. Boo at more time on the nebuliser, but yay at the prospect of keeping my chest under control. 

Today, I was talking, well emailing a lady from the national transplant service. I had asked a while back if there was anything I could do this year to help promote national transplant week. Last year I had an article in the local newspaper. After some discussion, she wants to use my story on their website, complete with photo. So there is talk in the not to distant future of having a professional photo done to go with it. eek exciting. 

So good things are happening all around. 
I also have a few new readers. *waves* Welcome. I love getting comments on my blog. 

Did I mention that I have my visa appointment? Well thats something else exciting. 
Oh so much changing. 
I like change. 
I like feeling like this.


  1. O Good for you!
    This is all real positive and exciting progress.
    I like change too, especially when it's for the better ;-)
    I got my youngest daughter into school 2 weeks ago and I was feeling all sorry and sad for her about having to deal with this . . . then I saw another litle girl going to school (also about 5 or 6) with a tracheostomy, I thought of you, and also realised that maybe my daughter (and I) didn't have that much to deal with after all.
    So pleased things are going your way . . . Take care.

    1. Thank you.
      And a lot of it can be how you view things.
      It is hard starting school and such, but I bet if you talked to the other little girls parents, they are probably overjoyed that she is able to go to school and they dont view the trach, at this stage as a hard thing as they are used to it.
      Im sure you little one will take to school wonderfully when she settles in.
